List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists

Last post I said I can’t dance. Guess what? I can’t sing either but you’ll see me singing along at any concert I go to. You’ll SEE me but you won’t hear me. I will leave that to people who can so to take a cue from Music Listography by Lisa Nola, here in noContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists”

My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023

Okay folks, I am posting this after my guest DJ spot on Finn Valley FM, The Big Easy Mix hosted by Cliff Whitham in Saint Johnston, Ireland. By the time this post goes live Jean-Robert Lafont and I will have been in county Donegal and Derry for five days, including one day trip to Belfast,Continue reading “My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023”

List Twenty Desert Island Discs

I have done this list before elsewhere. “Desert Island Discs” is a fun list to compile and I take a different view on what albums make my list. Yes, I could just tell you my favorite albums of all-time but to me, this list is about long-term survival, like on one of my favorite televisionContinue reading “List Twenty Desert Island Discs”

My gift to my friends in Manchester

I know there is a lot of controversy about Spotify, what they pay artists creating music that is played on the platform compared to what Joe Rogan is being paid by them. Since this blog is music focused I am not going to get into my feelings on the matter, I would rather just shareContinue reading “My gift to my friends in Manchester”

England 2022 – The Playlist

Recently I created a playlist on Spotify with songs that bring me memories of the trip to England and I thought it would be bad ass to share it with you, along with an explanation why I picked them. You see folks, music isn’t just a hobby, it isn’t just a way to pass theContinue reading “England 2022 – The Playlist”

S is for Source Victoria

A friend told me once in regards to this blog “You only post about Source Victoria.” Lies but I have no problem admitting I posted about the band a lot back in 2010 and 2011. I keep my fingers crossed for the opportunity to post about the band again in the present tense. Ever sinceContinue reading “S is for Source Victoria”

The Tfronky Pick of the Week – Frightened Rabbit

Hello everybody, I have no problem admitting when I show up late to the party in terms of acknowledging a great band. Frightened Rabbit is a band that showed up on one of the many mix CDs Robert Lerma from The Father Figures has made for me over the years. I cannot remember the fullContinue reading “The Tfronky Pick of the Week – Frightened Rabbit”

The Henry Clay People and Source Victoria live at the Crescent Ballroom Thursday July 19

Yes it’s a school night, but there are simply times when a good show precludes hitting the sack early. This Thursday evening is going to a be a great example of that as The Henry Clay People from Los Angeles invades one of the Valley’s best venues, the Crescent Ballroom. Making the evening even betterContinue reading “The Henry Clay People and Source Victoria live at the Crescent Ballroom Thursday July 19”

Concerts for the month of February in the Valley of the Sun … and San Francisco!

Hello everyone, It would be really nice if one of you could find me a Bob Mould Copper Blue ticket for the February 24 Copper Blue show at the Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco. I promise I will get you a donut from Karl’s Bakery if you do and yes, they are thatContinue reading “Concerts for the month of February in the Valley of the Sun … and San Francisco!”