List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life

Another one of those selfish posts! Yep, if I could work that kind of magic these are the twenty artists I would bring back to life so we could see them perform again. Sucks though, this world is kind of a POS now so I would hate to subject these people to what is goingContinue reading “List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life”

List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists

Last post I said I can’t dance. Guess what? I can’t sing either but you’ll see me singing along at any concert I go to. You’ll SEE me but you won’t hear me. I will leave that to people who can so to take a cue from Music Listography by Lisa Nola, here in noContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists”

List Twenty Desert Island Discs

I have done this list before elsewhere. “Desert Island Discs” is a fun list to compile and I take a different view on what albums make my list. Yes, I could just tell you my favorite albums of all-time but to me, this list is about long-term survival, like on one of my favorite televisionContinue reading “List Twenty Desert Island Discs”

List Your Top Twenty Favorite Artists

Driving back from having blood drawn this morning I was listening to a playlist I created years ago by the name of “Whining Is the Offspring of Futility“. I created a Spotify playlist for it a year ago and since my friend Ron Pratt is not on Spotify I found the songs he sang thatContinue reading “List Your Top Twenty Favorite Artists”

COVID-19 Playlist Week 14

Ugh. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services dashboard, the daily case increase as of June 21, 2020 was 2592, bringing the total positive cases to 52,390, an increase of 16,699 since last Sunday. One new death brought the total number of COVID-19 deaths to 1339. Phoenix is hosting a President Trump campaign rallyContinue reading “COVID-19 Playlist Week 14”

50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra

So I thought I would take a little break from Musings by the alphabet and do a little fun post. Well, they are all fun but different inspiration this time. I played the trumpet from 4th-8th grade and to be honest, I was pretty good. I was in either 6th or 7th grade when I went to a competition at Royal PalmContinue reading “50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra”

The Bungalow Show on Halloween 2014

This past Friday October 31 I had an opportunity to host The Bungalow Show on Radio Phoenix for the show’s entire three hours. There have been a couple of occasions in the past when I was guest DJing and playing music that I did two-hour spots. This was the first time I played music andContinue reading “The Bungalow Show on Halloween 2014”