List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up

This is one of those real selfish posts. I think as fans we (well at least I do) get so obsessed and romantic about bands that we never want them to go away. Bands have their reasons for breaking up and as fans we just need to roll with it and be grateful for theContinue reading “List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up”

List Twenty Desert Island Discs

I have done this list before elsewhere. “Desert Island Discs” is a fun list to compile and I take a different view on what albums make my list. Yes, I could just tell you my favorite albums of all-time but to me, this list is about long-term survival, like on one of my favorite televisionContinue reading “List Twenty Desert Island Discs”

England 2022 – The Playlist

Recently I created a playlist on Spotify with songs that bring me memories of the trip to England and I thought it would be bad ass to share it with you, along with an explanation why I picked them. You see folks, music isn’t just a hobby, it isn’t just a way to pass theContinue reading “England 2022 – The Playlist”

50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra

So I thought I would take a little break from Musings by the alphabet and do a little fun post. Well, they are all fun but different inspiration this time. I played the trumpet from 4th-8th grade and to be honest, I was pretty good. I was in either 6th or 7th grade when I went to a competition at Royal PalmContinue reading “50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra”

So you didn’t show up to see Sonic Youth in concert? Be bummed!

Hello everybody, A mere five days into the New Year and the Valley of the Sun may already have been treated to the concert of the year. It is incredible that the legendary Sonic Youth is STILL this good!

Concerts for the month of January

Hello everybody, When I used to post for a company blog I would do a monthly update on concerts coming to the Valley of the Sun, as well as any out-of-town shows I was going to. Why not pick up again here? Here we go, Tfronky’s list of concerts to check out in January!