List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists

Last post I said I can’t dance. Guess what? I can’t sing either but you’ll see me singing along at any concert I go to. You’ll SEE me but you won’t hear me. I will leave that to people who can so to take a cue from Music Listography by Lisa Nola, here in noContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists”

List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up

This is one of those real selfish posts. I think as fans we (well at least I do) get so obsessed and romantic about bands that we never want them to go away. Bands have their reasons for breaking up and as fans we just need to roll with it and be grateful for theContinue reading “List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up”

My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023

Okay folks, I am posting this after my guest DJ spot on Finn Valley FM, The Big Easy Mix hosted by Cliff Whitham in Saint Johnston, Ireland. By the time this post goes live Jean-Robert Lafont and I will have been in county Donegal and Derry for five days, including one day trip to Belfast,Continue reading “My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023”

List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals

Going to a live concert is one of my, if not my absolute favorite thing to do. I love seeing an artist deliver his, her or their music live to a crowd of appreciative fans, no matter how big or small the crowd is. I love it so much that I actually prefer to goContinue reading “List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals”

List Twenty Desert Island Discs

I have done this list before elsewhere. “Desert Island Discs” is a fun list to compile and I take a different view on what albums make my list. Yes, I could just tell you my favorite albums of all-time but to me, this list is about long-term survival, like on one of my favorite televisionContinue reading “List Twenty Desert Island Discs”

The Tfronky Pick of the Week – The Plimsouls

Hello everybody, I was listening to Everywhere at Once from The Plimsouls last night, the band’s 1983 power pop watershed album that 30 years later remains an alternative music classic. I can still remember my long-time junior high and high school buddy Lance Myers and I buying this tape at Licorice Pizza in San DiegoContinue reading “The Tfronky Pick of the Week – The Plimsouls”