List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up

This is one of those real selfish posts. I think as fans we (well at least I do) get so obsessed and romantic about bands that we never want them to go away. Bands have their reasons for breaking up and as fans we just need to roll with it and be grateful for theContinue reading “List Bands I Wish Had Not Broken Up”

List Songs That Immediately Change Your Mood

That is one of the many things music does, it can change your mood, how you are feeling, what you are feeling. It motivates you into action and it causes you to stop what you’re doing and take a look at where your life is heading. Music is a positive, powerful tool! I think thatContinue reading “List Songs That Immediately Change Your Mood”

List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals

Going to a live concert is one of my, if not my absolute favorite thing to do. I love seeing an artist deliver his, her or their music live to a crowd of appreciative fans, no matter how big or small the crowd is. I love it so much that I actually prefer to goContinue reading “List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals”

List Twenty Desert Island Discs

I have done this list before elsewhere. “Desert Island Discs” is a fun list to compile and I take a different view on what albums make my list. Yes, I could just tell you my favorite albums of all-time but to me, this list is about long-term survival, like on one of my favorite televisionContinue reading “List Twenty Desert Island Discs”

50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra

So I thought I would take a little break from Musings by the alphabet and do a little fun post. Well, they are all fun but different inspiration this time. I played the trumpet from 4th-8th grade and to be honest, I was pretty good. I was in either 6th or 7th grade when I went to a competition at Royal PalmContinue reading “50 Songs That Make me Wish I was in a Band or Orchestra”

The Bungalow Show on Halloween 2014

This past Friday October 31 I had an opportunity to host The Bungalow Show on Radio Phoenix for the show’s entire three hours. There have been a couple of occasions in the past when I was guest DJing and playing music that I did two-hour spots. This was the first time I played music andContinue reading “The Bungalow Show on Halloween 2014”

Silver Platter Playlist from July 29, 2010

Hello everybody, Thursday July 29 I had an opportunity to guest DJ on the Silver Platter radio show on for the fourth time. Once again, a big thanks to Radio Phoenix and Henri for the opportunity to do this. As you know (or should know by now), the program is dedicated to showcasing artistsContinue reading “Silver Platter Playlist from July 29, 2010”

July wasn’t the best concert month (seriously, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber in one week?). August will be better for concerts in the Valley of the Sun!

Hello my friends, Yes, July was a bit of a bummer for good shows here in town. I even blew off going to Day 2 of the 2010 Pitchfork Festival while in Chicago July 14-18 because the Saturday line-up just did not appeal to me. Thanks Randle for the two theatre shows that day! Anyway,Continue reading “July wasn’t the best concert month (seriously, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber in one week?). August will be better for concerts in the Valley of the Sun!”

Not a typical concert review, but in case you missed The Big Four in concert last night …

Metal may not be at the top of my list when it comes to music, but there are a handful of bands that I enjoy listening to and seeing live. Back in 1991 at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix I saw the Clash of the Titans Tour. The show featured a very young Alice inContinue reading “Not a typical concert review, but in case you missed The Big Four in concert last night …”

Concerts for the month of January

Hello everybody, When I used to post for a company blog I would do a monthly update on concerts coming to the Valley of the Sun, as well as any out-of-town shows I was going to. Why not pick up again here? Here we go, Tfronky’s list of concerts to check out in January!