Tfronky’s concert picks for November in the Valley of the Sun

Hello everybody, I can’t believe we are already up to November of this year. 2011 went by WAY too fast. There are plenty of great shows this month, one that features one-half of one of my all-time favorite bands, two CD release shows from a couple of great local bands, a band performing that featuresContinue reading “Tfronky’s concert picks for November in the Valley of the Sun”

Concerts in the Valley of the Sun for September 2011

Okay so I lied. I did four posts from July 15-24, each post three days apart after not having done one since May and swore I would be more consistent. Hey, I get paid to write for someone else and I get paid a lot of nada for this. But we all know this isContinue reading “Concerts in the Valley of the Sun for September 2011”

Concert for the month of July 2011 in the Valley of the Sun

Missed me? I have not written a post since May 6, pretty pathetic when you think about it. I have been swamped with content writing work for other sites so the personal blog had to take a back seat. The problem is I lost focus on what brings me the most pleasure – music. IContinue reading “Concert for the month of July 2011 in the Valley of the Sun”

Concerts for the month of January 2011

Hello everybody, How about a New Year’s resolution to actually do this blog a little more? The Musings have been few and far between lately. Many reasons for that, but I do miss doing this blog. I hope to get back to a normal routine soon. Anyway, enough whining. Let us start things off withContinue reading “Concerts for the month of January 2011”