List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life

Another one of those selfish posts! Yep, if I could work that kind of magic these are the twenty artists I would bring back to life so we could see them perform again. Sucks though, this world is kind of a POS now so I would hate to subject these people to what is goingContinue reading “List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life”

List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists

Last post I said I can’t dance. Guess what? I can’t sing either but you’ll see me singing along at any concert I go to. You’ll SEE me but you won’t hear me. I will leave that to people who can so to take a cue from Music Listography by Lisa Nola, here in noContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists”

List Top Twenty Favorite Songs

Yes, yes, I have not posted since last September and yes, here is another list I have done a Musings post on before but it’s 2023 and that list has changed. I am not even going to look at those old posts, this list contains the songs that resonate most with me today based onContinue reading “List Top Twenty Favorite Songs”

It has been a year since Scott Hutchison left this world …

So here’s the thing … I don’t know what I am supposed to write or should be writing or want to be writing today. April 18-20 I had a chance to meet one of my idols, an author by the name of Terry Davis and our time together gave me the inspiration and the confidenceContinue reading “It has been a year since Scott Hutchison left this world …”

On the 8th Day of a Tfronky Christmas …

You got an Owl John video during the first week of the Christmas Musings. Christmas is a week from today so it makes perfect sense to get things rolling with a Frightened Rabbit Christmas tune and this one is perfect. Perfect! I have posted about Frightened Rabbit, Owl John and Mastersystem a lot so IContinue reading “On the 8th Day of a Tfronky Christmas …”

On the 30th Day of a Tfronky Christmas …

I have posted about Scott Hutchison a lot since May 10, 2018 and if that bothers you this is the wrong blog to visit. I have been a big fan of Frightened Rabbit since their third album The Winter of Mixed Drinks was released in 2010. I was a casual Owl John fan, Scott’s soloContinue reading “On the 30th Day of a Tfronky Christmas …”

O is for Owl John

This will be the last Scott Hutchison related Musings by the alphabet post so it makes sense we end with Owl John. This was the moniker he used for his Twitter handle and for this solo project. The story is once Frightened Rabbit was done with the tour for Pedestrian Verse (my favorite album ofContinue reading “O is for Owl John”

F is for Frightened Rabbit

I’m sure some of you were expecting this for the F post. Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit (and Owl John, and Mastersystem) inspired the “rebirth” of The Musings. He was an incredible musician but more important an amazing songwriter and lyricist. I wish I could write half as well as him and create even aContinue reading “F is for Frightened Rabbit”