List My Twenty Favorite Live Albums

My Twitter profile even says going to concerts is one of my favorite things to do. I am at a point in my life where I don’t care how much I have to pay for tickets, if there is a show I want to see I’m going. Live music is an exhilarating experience, a chanceContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Live Albums”

List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists

Last post I said I can’t dance. Guess what? I can’t sing either but you’ll see me singing along at any concert I go to. You’ll SEE me but you won’t hear me. I will leave that to people who can so to take a cue from Music Listography by Lisa Nola, here in noContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Male Vocalists”

List My Favorite Songs From The Eighties

Ahhhhh the 80’s! I’m 54 at the time of writing this and I don’t care what any of you say – the eighties were the best decade for everything and especially for the best music ever created! Subjective opinion but I have yet to come across music from any other decade that consistently showcases theContinue reading “List My Favorite Songs From The Eighties”

My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023

Okay folks, I am posting this after my guest DJ spot on Finn Valley FM, The Big Easy Mix hosted by Cliff Whitham in Saint Johnston, Ireland. By the time this post goes live Jean-Robert Lafont and I will have been in county Donegal and Derry for five days, including one day trip to Belfast,Continue reading “My Big Easy Mix November 2, 2023”

List Top Twenty Favorite Songs

Yes, yes, I have not posted since last September and yes, here is another list I have done a Musings post on before but it’s 2023 and that list has changed. I am not even going to look at those old posts, this list contains the songs that resonate most with me today based onContinue reading “List Top Twenty Favorite Songs”

C is for The Chameleons

September 20th I was due to see The Mission, The Chameleons and Theatre of Hate at the Nile Theater in Mesa. I recently found out the tour was rescheduled for next year. Yeah that’s a bummer, a major one actually but you know what? I will wait for greatness because The Chameleons are one ofContinue reading “C is for The Chameleons”