List The First Albums I Ever Owned

I miss those days of walking into the Wherehouse, Tower Records, Roads to Moscow and Musicland to buy albums, those were the main record stores I shopped at in grade school when I had a paper route and could buy my own records. Grateful for Christmas and birthdays to get albums as gifts too! OnceContinue reading “List The First Albums I Ever Owned”

List My Twenty Favorite Music Videos

Disclaimer – you can’t find it on YouTube (they keep taking it down) and I remember watching a special on MTV years ago of controversial videos and during that show was the only time the network ever played “Smack My Bitch Up” from The Prodigy. FIND THAT VIDEO! It will blow your mind. That isContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Music Videos”

List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals

Going to a live concert is one of my, if not my absolute favorite thing to do. I love seeing an artist deliver his, her or their music live to a crowd of appreciative fans, no matter how big or small the crowd is. I love it so much that I actually prefer to goContinue reading “List The Best Concerts And Music Festivals”