Yes it stinks that in the US we have to wait for Build a Rocket Boys from Elbow …

But only sort of folks. It is true, the lucky blokes in Europe can already can get their hands on the physical copy of the fifth studio album Build a Rocket Boys! from Manchester, UK’s Elbow. However, do not fret my friends. US Elbow fans only need to wait one more day to have theContinue reading “Yes it stinks that in the US we have to wait for Build a Rocket Boys from Elbow …”

build a rocket boys – The fifth album from Elbow is on the way!

Hello everybody, It has been quite a while since I took the time to put together a post. Maybe the inspiration was not there, maybe my “muse” was missing. Elbow announcing the upcoming release of their fifth proper studio album build a rocket boys is a hell of a way to get motivated again!