List Twenty Artists To Play At My Dream Music Festival

Oh, another one of those unfair but fun to write dream posts! For a while I was doing a theme called “I just saved Brooke Shields from drowning so I want __________ to play my birthday party” which was a play on the credits from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. This post will be thatContinue reading “List Twenty Artists To Play At My Dream Music Festival”

List My Twenty Favorite Songs From The Nineties

The best thing about the nineties in my opinion was it effectively killed off hair metal. That was a dark way to end my favorite decade of the eighties. Punk rock hit the mainstream, Britpop became popular in the States and of course, grunge became the rage for a spell. A lot of good musicContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Songs From The Nineties”

List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life

Another one of those selfish posts! Yep, if I could work that kind of magic these are the twenty artists I would bring back to life so we could see them perform again. Sucks though, this world is kind of a POS now so I would hate to subject these people to what is goingContinue reading “List The Twenty Performers I Would Bring Back To Life”