List My Twenty Favorite Live Albums

My Twitter profile even says going to concerts is one of my favorite things to do. I am at a point in my life where I don’t care how much I have to pay for tickets, if there is a show I want to see I’m going. Live music is an exhilarating experience, a chanceContinue reading “List My Twenty Favorite Live Albums”

List The First Albums I Ever Owned

I miss those days of walking into the Wherehouse, Tower Records, Roads to Moscow and Musicland to buy albums, those were the main record stores I shopped at in grade school when I had a paper route and could buy my own records. Grateful for Christmas and birthdays to get albums as gifts too! OnceContinue reading “List The First Albums I Ever Owned”

List My Dance Party Playlist

I can’t dance. I’m not copying Genesis here, I really can’t. I can kind of do the eighties dance. If I could dance these are the songs I would want to dance to though. Glad I like these songs so much because once again, I can’t dance!

List Songs That Immediately Change Your Mood

That is one of the many things music does, it can change your mood, how you are feeling, what you are feeling. It motivates you into action and it causes you to stop what you’re doing and take a look at where your life is heading. Music is a positive, powerful tool! I think thatContinue reading “List Songs That Immediately Change Your Mood”

E is for The English Beat

I feel like a bit of a putz referring to this band as The “English” Beat. Here in the U.S. there was a band led by Paul Collins of The Nerves also called The Beat, so to avoid any confusion and legal issues the ska version from the U.K. added “English” to its name. Don’tContinue reading “E is for The English Beat”