2022 May 28 – #madeinmanchester

No way Thursday and Friday of the Manchester trip could be topped, RIGHT? Well this festival, the driving force behind picking this particular time to visit Manchester for the first time had arrived. Jean-Robert and I grabbed a good breakfast (gotta admit, I’m missing the baked beans and tea now), got ready and grabbed theContinue reading “2022 May 28 – #madeinmanchester”

The Musings of Frank Gallardo is back! Let’s talk about Mercury Machine!

August 30, 2020 was the last time I posted on here. Lost interest. Maybe the pandemic was part of the reason, I also think the fact my job then and now involves me doing research and writing reports all day long. Love the job but do I really want to get back on the computerContinue reading “The Musings of Frank Gallardo is back! Let’s talk about Mercury Machine!”