It has been a year since Scott Hutchison left this world …

Frightened Rabbit at Glastonbury 2016So here’s the thing … I don’t know what I am supposed to write or should be writing or want to be writing today. April 18-20 I had a chance to meet one of my idols, an author by the name of Terry Davis and our time together gave me the inspiration and the confidence to start writing again, or at least try. Thanks Terry!

I knew May 9-10 were going to be tough days. I was in Las Vegas last year when I read the tweets from Scott, the first one stating “Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not. I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones.” A short time later there was a second that stated “I’m away now. Thanks.” They were both a bit cryptic but it was just one of those things based on his history and the incredibly intense lyrics he wrote that made me wonder if this was it. I was hopeful once his brother and bandmate Grant posted on the band’s Twitter account asking anyone with information about Scott’s whereabouts to contact the police that I would be wrong.

When I read online during the weekend a body was found the next day on the banks of the Firth of Forth and on the 11th the body was confirmed to be Scott’s I immediately despaired like so many other fans of the band. I NEVER get emotional about a celebrity passing on and it is not a matter of being callous, I just didn’t know those people. Yes, I miss artists like Prince, David Bowie, Tom Petty, but not having a personal relationship with them I celebrated their work and their lives and left things there. Scott’s passing was and a year later IS different. He was so personal in the music he created, putting himself out there and allowing the world to see and feel his pain that as a fan you could not help but feel a connection. More important, anything I read about people meeting the man have described him as the warmest individual on the planet, an artist that took the time to connect with fans and leave a lasting impression. In a world where let’s face it, there are sooooooooooooooo many pricks out there that do not care about anyone but themselves, to lose a person like Scott is devastating.

Frightened Rabbit released five magnificent studio albums during their career. They had just finished a tour celebrating the 10 year anniversary of their sophomore release The Midnight Organ Fight and to this day I wonder if re-visiting that album in its entirety opened up too many wounds for Scott. It is considered by many to be the band’s finest moment and one of the best “breakup” albums ever released. I love it as well but have not played it since Scott’s death. And I won’t. There are a couple of tracks I can listen to and get through but a listen to the whole album would not be cathartic for me, just too sad, at least right now.

Scott also played in a side project by the name of Mastersystem and they released their debut Dance Music April 2018. It was easily my favorite album last year. More important, at least for this writer, Scott released a solo album under the moniker Owl John in 2014. I guess I did not listen to it enough when it was first released because I pretty much tucked it away. When Scott passed away and I put every Frightened Rabbit album (well, except for The Midnight Organ Fight) and the Mastersystem album on repeat I finally remembered to add Owl John to the mix. Folks, that disc is unbelievable and “A Good Reason to Grow Old” is Scott’s best piece of work in my opinion. Good Lord that song is incredibly beautiful and powerful.

I know I haven’t said anything here new, uplifting or inspirational. I wrote this for me, to celebrate the life of Scott Hutchison but also to put it out there I am still sad. I’m listening to a playlist I put together of 20 tracks from Frightened Rabbit, Owl John and Mastersystem while writing this post and ironically as I am wrapping this up “A Good Reason to Grow Old” came on. That tells me this is a good time to stop. Miss you Scott, R.I.P.

Thank you to the remaining members of Frightened Rabbit for doing all you have to allow us to remember Scott the right way! I made sure to add a link to the Frightened Rabbit Facebook page a couple of times in this post because Scott’s family recently launched “Tiny Changes”, a Scottish mental health charity set up in his memory. Information about that charity is on the Facebook page now and I encourage you to visit it.


Published by tfronky

Enjoy this little blog that will center around music. Age and a higher level of job responsibility have caused me to not go to as many shows as I used to but don't get me wrong - I still love the live music experience.

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