On the 8th Day of a Tfronky Christmas …

Scott Hutchison - 2You got an Owl John video during the first week of the Christmas Musings. Christmas is a week from today so it makes perfect sense to get things rolling with a Frightened Rabbit Christmas tune and this one is perfect. Perfect! I have posted about Frightened Rabbit, Owl John and Mastersystem a lot so I will just head straight to the video. “It’s Christmas So We’ll Stop” was originally released as a non-album single back in 2007. This live clip is Scott Hutchison at his best, love the interplay with the crowd. Enjoy!


Published by tfronky

Enjoy this little blog that will center around music. Age and a higher level of job responsibility have caused me to not go to as many shows as I used to but don't get me wrong - I still love the live music experience.

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